Coffee Corner

How the Community began

Posted by Christie Reimer on

How the Community began

How I Started this Journey   These are new times aren’t they? Well maybe not new anymore, as it seems we have been in this for a lot longer than it really has been.    It has changed a lot of things in my household. We are being more resourceful, trying to be less wasteful, using this time for projects, spending time reconnecting with our family, and having more conversations. What it has also done is made a 180 mind shift on how we as society conduct business. I started my first passion business in the photography world. This year,...

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The Reason Why

Posted by Christie Reimer on

The Reason Why
This may not be what will help you, but this is helping me, and with your love and support I will continue to do this, with the hope that at least one busy and tired and stressed mama, will get to have one more moment before “it” happens.

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